Wednesday 6 February 2019

Rise beyond fear - A short poem

Rise beyond fear - A short poem

When the going gets tough, the tough get going,

Always paid heed to that saying,

It’s not easy but stands as practical,

I should rise despite the most challenging hurdle

Every human was born victorious and unstoppable,

Getting this biologically complex human life from God itself is remarkable

Life when  proceeds smoothly starts getting taken for granted,

Those who believe it will go uninterrupted live unprepared

Storms are there to remind that we are mere mortal,

So it’s always wise to be grounded and staying stronger as metal

Even mighty sun rises and sets chronologically,

Reminding us to not just dream but act methodically

If you wish to rise in adversities then first believe in the power of Karma

Believe that “I will rise beyond fear when there is none to look after”

Believe that “I will rise with weak body because mind is there to ever wander”

That’s the spirit in you that the meek will look upto.

When in pain it is wiser to call yourself a master of challenging life and not a slave of adverse life,

How you face an adversity every time redefines your approach towards remaining life.

Life is a journey and doesn’t always have to lead to a destination,

The experiential journey is truthfully more beautiful than the unknown destination

You would often be tested during life's events which are unprecedented,

What's always most crucial is that with self belief you continue to feel invigorated

Being fearful would misguide you that success is apparently distant,

Courage is when you accept that your fear is unimportant

It’s not easy to stay tough when forced by circumstances to kneel  down,

Acts of past define whether you then choose to stay afloat or drown

Change is the only truth rest all is deceitful,

Human life has a higher meaning beyond dying with both hands full

Author: Devesh Sharma
Email ID:

Thursday 7 June 2018

Understanding the concept of Package of Life

This time the topic on which I have framed my article is quite unique and is seldom discussed. It is on “Living life as a package” and this article is to share some information explained in my own way. Though you make up some kind of an agreement with your employer for whom you work but you have no agreement of any kind made with God on “How we should be spending our life on earth?”  and hence, this life can be kept quite busy with freedom and full of pleasure. But, hey, several people are still not happy and all through their lives they are not able to figure out why they are unhappy. Several among such people are men and women who have excelled in studies, have accumulated fame and have also been earning well in the cities where they always dreamt to live. Stress related disorders are so common nowadays that no one gives a heed to them. To know more on Stress & Coping you may please refer to my previous article that can be accessed through the blog link: So this is where I spent a lot of time introspecting and reading to create an article on the Package of life.
           A question which you might hear people asking each other is “ Hey, What’s your package?” Literally, what they mean to ask about is how much does your employer pay you that you still enjoy working for them. This kind of monetary package is just a number that is the sum total of Basic salary, House Rent allowance, other allowances and perks etc. This number may be big or small you may still hear people complaining about what they are not getting. This is a strange situation. People want something and when they get it even more than full they complain about it. In reality they may not have introspected well to find out what exactly do they want in  their lives. A good life package should convert to genuine happiness and peace but it does not do with money as the factor of consideration. Let’s try to find what is the kind of package one should be looking for because it certainly isn’t just money package that would serve to gain happiness in life. ‘Package of Life’ here is the basket of heterogeneous needs a human being has and how they should be earned. Two points are very clear about this basket that firstly, this basket will be different for every human being because of heterogeneity of self defined needs and secondly, this basket has to be earned with acts similar to how package of money is earned by working in an office for defined hours every day. The irony is that people do take into account for the number of hours they work every day but give no importance to the time that is required to be spent on the activities which form their basket of needs of life or package of life such that they can maximize happiness.
With some diligent study that I performed in this area I noticed several interesting findings. Happiness and Peace are the ultimate currencies of Package of life and that is how one should evaluate his/her life’s richness. It is meaningless if an individual compares his/her possession of this kind of currency with another individual to find out who is richer similar to how people do with money based richness. This currency needs to be earned with lot of commitment , discipline and hard work. Before I proceed it is critical to first list down a generic basket of needs/preferences which humans have so that the Package of Life can be evaluate by an individual for himself/herself. It would not be wise to have a very small list of preferences in life and which are constant too. As life progresses this list of preferences/needs should change as well as increase in various meaningful domains.
Such preferences/needs of humans that forms the ‘Package of life’ are given below:
1)      Money: Money has not been created by God but by humans and it is for a specific purpose. It is also an important component of Package of life but it is certainly not the only one.
You should refer to my article to know about money through link
Cash money is just a paper to which an ascertained value has been attached and hence, it acts a store of value. It holds a certain value so that a person is able to exchange it for goods or services he/she wishes to possess/experience. This is what we call buying of goods or services. If a human possesses preferred goods or services through spending money then they derive satisfaction out of it but this satisfaction is not ever expanding. This is due to decreasing marginal utility associated with consumption of one more unit of goods or services which together contribute to the basket of preferences/needs or Package of life. To understand more about marginal utility in Economics  you may please read about it by accessing this link from the famous information source Investopedia:
What this ultimately means is that if you don’t have heterogeneity in your basket of preferences/needs and have more money then certainly you won’t feel happy with possession of more volumes of goods or services as they follow reducing marginal utility. Hence, you need to diversify your interests and preferences so that you can maximize your satisfaction level in life. Secondly, if your only focus is on earning money then you may still feel unhappy and dissatisfied in the following instances as shared below:
a)       You don’t get time to spend that money as your working hours may be too long or it takes a lot of time for to-fro journey between your home and work place. After reaching home you may have to perform some household duties as well.
b)      You may have chosen to work far way in other cities inside or outside your home country and hence, your family members & friends are not with you. You don’t have your loved ones and friends around you with whom you can spend that money and enjoy. This is because spending money just on yourself can be make you happy only to certain extent and after sometime it might appear unwanted.
c)       You live in a place where nothing that you wish to possess or experience is available for buying. So your money will just be left in banks in savings account and you won’t feel happy.
d)      Timeliness to get your weekly or monthly income is yet another aspect. Some people tend to less appreciate that their employer pays them before the beginning of the month and on a certain date. This allows a person to plan well for the commitments which need to be met by monthly or timely payments of money. Untimely receipt of money from the workplace whether business or service would put the person into unnecessary stress.
e)      Certainty about the amount of money is another aspect. In some kinds of businesses and jobs there is no surety over the amount of money to be received per month due to major component of variable income and in such cases a person may not be able to plan for expenses as there is no defined income. This always involves some element of probability in the money to be earned and puts some stress in life. Hence, once one must define his/her risk taking appetite and should decide the earning sources suiting that appetite.

2)      Health: It is always said that ‘Health is the true wealth’. There is no doubt about it that health is the true wealth and if it is challenged then a person may have huge amount of money and material possessions but the person is left with no other option but to wait to spend the additional sum of money for the next treatment. The situation may be worse in case of chronic health ailments. Money may exist as the source of happiness only after the assurance that the health of the person is manageable otherwise it is of no use other than spending it for consecutive treatments. So, health is the most crucial component of the package of life and we must strive hard to ensure we are in good health to enjoy our Package of life.

3)      Networking with people: Networking with friends and acquaintances around the world makes to feel truly alive. By networking you get to know others more, get to share your joy and help each other when required. It also allows you to gather more information which you otherwise won’t get easily and such information may allow you to be more informed for better decision making and that keeps your life’s stress level really low. Life becomes really interesting when you have your live network of friends and acquaintances. Some years back keeping relationships live was not that complex a task as it is today. With all kinds of new handholding technological devices with humans today the relationships remain live with past friends and acquaintances primarily on social networking sites but not in real life. Today’s networking is more in number than in quality. There can be varied opinions of some people but this aspect cannot be ignored. Though technology has offered alternatives to stay in touch with hundreds of people around the world with whom you may have met may be just once in life but justice to old friends and acquaintances does not get done as they are merely treated as one among hundreds of your friends. It is said that ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ and hence, when you will be in need you are likely to have may be less than 5% of your acquaintances to actually help you come out of the trouble. Hence, you have the responsibility to treat such special individuals with distinguished respect. Social networking has just left you with options to not meet old friends and acquaintances and sometimes not even have telephonic conversation. Any Human to human relationship follows a very simple logic that there is no alternative to meeting someone live if you actually feel special about that person. The best way to nurture a relationship is meeting someone live in which you can give heed to someone’s body language, voice, tonality and words. This establishes mutual trust. The environment in which you meet someone also plays a crucial role in having that meeting become fully effective. When you take out time to meet someone it acts as a gesture that you treat your friend as special unlike other friends from some social networking site. A little less effective method is talking to someone on phone where you get to feel the spirit of the person from voice and tonality although you don’t see the person. Skype or video calls may also be a decent option. Third, and the least effective way is staying on word chats of social networking sites where you tend to give the same treatment to all your acquaintances. It puts an individual with a lot of responsibility to first define priority of a relationship with another individual and nurture it with focussed efforts by giving distinguished treatment where necessary. Networking is also a component in your package of life as it keeps life ever vibrant.

4)      Nurturing creativity: Besides what an individual does to earn for a living there are diverse interests which he/she had in childhood and what happens to those interests in general is that the person stops to nurture them due to super tiring work schedules. A human does not get born merely to work in a particular role of an industrial sector and earn for others. Being born as a human is itself an extremely big gift and mostly people just take it for granted and stop nurturing their creative activities and ideas which make them feel as a happy human. They land in the trap of earning and showing how much more money do they have compared to their neighbour and do what it takes to achieve it even at the cost of their creative interests, health and preferences of life which form the Package of Life. The fact is that no matter what you earn you will always have someone who is earning more money than you. Hence, there is no need to rush beyond your capacity at the cost of your health and interests. Many among the richest in the world start giving back to society after feeling tired of running this race of monetary richness for which the ultimate trophy one will get is the definite end of life some day. So it is essential to make the best use of your time on earth as a creative living being. You may be creative in writing, painting, singing, dancing and many more interesting activities and so you should nurture them all through your life. These focussed creative activities make you taste the real joy of human life.  More physically and mentally demanding activities such sports, Martial arts, Yoga, Tai chi and many more may also be considered to development unique capabilities as a human being. In fact, this article that I am writing on my blog is one kind of a creative activity that I like to do in free time.

5)      Time for family: No one would deny the high importance of family in one’s life. This direct family includes Parents, Siblings, Spouse and children. They literally make up your world in which you like to enjoy with them and wish to make their life fulfilled. But, ask yourselves a question ‘How much time are you giving them per day?’. This is a crucial element that adds a lot of value to the Package of life because not all get decent time to spend with family while intending to grow fast in career to earn more money and fame. It is hence critical to not forget to take out time for family while being busy in career.

6)      Travelling : It is a well known fact the some of the most renown Philosophers and teachers around the world were active travellers. Planet earth is so big that it has visible diversity in Fauna, Flora, Landscape, and also the way humans live and communicate with each other. Sitting in your cozy rooms will keep you away from experiencing this diversity yourself.  Not only are these diversities beautiful but they also empower humans to realize their full potential with development of new perspectives about how life can be made truly meaningful. Believe me if you are among those who like to travel a lot then you are already wise enough to appreciate the gift of life on earth. Addition of journeys and expeditions in your package of life would allow you to utilize all capacities of your powerful human mind and derive pleasure in small yet distinctly beautiful things around you.

7)      Giving to the society : Giving to the society does not necessarily mean that you take up full time role as a social activist leaving all that you do today but it actually points over your intention to do something for the society in which you live and which has also played its role in shaping you whatever you are today. We must not forget that the hunger for earning money never satiates and as you earn more money the responsibility to spend it wisely also lies on you. The key is to first define what are your current needs and if they get fulfilled then you should do something for the society as well. Undoubtedly, your needs will change a bit with time but the same serving attitude focused here should be maintained. Given all your needs are met then whatever excess you get may be given to the struggling class of the society in which you live. This might include providing food and basic resources to the poor. It is not just about providing monetary support acts of kindness towards the society’s struggling class also count. This may include teaching kids from poor families, entertaining old age people in old age homes and also, strengthening confidence of those who are staying weak due to some kind of serious setback they had in the past. The irony is that all agree that if we do good then we feel our life as worth living but still humans have become so self obsessed that they overlook the weak class of the society  and are busy in failing to entertain themselves. Instead, if they also try to entertain those who are struggling in the society and do good to them then surely they will succeed in entertaining themselves as well. Hence, keeping focus on giving to the society also helps in maximizing our package of life.

Key message:  In this article I have tried to holistically cover those major elements of life to which happiness is closely linked in some way or the other. Surely, there may be many more elements which one might bring out and add but these shared above have a significant weightage to our overall well being and hence, they add a lot of value to the ‘Package of Life’. Try to bring out what forms your package of life and focus on each of those aspects to ensure that you feel about your life as never boring and worth living. Only humans have the privilege to form a self defined package of life and live life as a package of all sources of happiness and hence, no opportunity should be missed in trying to do so. Please never forget that there is no way to find out what is the exact purpose of Life that God has given you. You might read several posts which guide you on how to find your life’s purpose but that’s futile to try to find it through such complex ways. Life is too short to spend a lot of time to search why you were born but what is truly essential is to empower yourselves as time progresses and decide what you can actually do with your capabilities of human body and mind. Living life in search of peace in itself is a great purpose and to highlight about that is my motive of creating this article.
I will welcome comments and related discussions on this topic.

Author of article:
Devesh Sharma

Saturday 13 May 2017

Do we really know what "Courage" exactly means?

This article is about a topic that is not only relevant for academic discussions considering traits of human beings but is also a decisive factor when it comes to thriving in career as a competent professional as well as influencing the society as a leader. Almost all human beings agree upon the point that showing of courage by anyone for goodness is highly rewarding as well as inspiring to others but still they know so less about "Courage". Here in this article I have tried to simplify courage by linking it to our reaction towards possible outcomes of any situation. Even though several people are equipped with marvellous capabilities yet as little as 1% genuinely showcase real courage when required. Why is it so? Well, to know this it is pertinent to understand relevant meaning of courage not from English dictionary but from your own life. You need to think differently when you are into real life situations where your confidence and courage can not only bring rewards to you but you can seriously influence the people around you such that they also start delivering beyond their normal achievements.
       Courage how I define is "It is your mindset when you are able to establish to your mind that to you the possible positive outcome from any situation is much more important to you than your fear of facing the negative outcome from the situation". Hence, post establishing this to your mind if you still go ahead to react to the situation then it is called the "Act of courage". But such acts are seldom seen by us in daily life and problems of the society persist for long period with no one ready to challenge the status quo as people feel deprived of courage. Being Courageous is not an innate ability but it is about having a deeper understanding of the situation you are into and accordingly making the right choice. To me this has always been a very interesting topic and someone from Psychology field may actually do a Phd on this topic.
       Reading on Courage which I started doing in college around 10 years back and then with my work experience so far first as a field Engineer in oil & gas sector where I worked internationally in some dangerous situations at remote locations and deserts and then post MBA as a Business Development professional the above shared definition is the one I could bring out.  After  attending some Training programs on psychology, reading consciously on Courage during my MBA and after doing extensive discussions with professionals in this field both my interest and understanding in this field grew further. The fear of public speaking of an individual which is a well known fear(often considered more that fear of dying) can be easily diluted if he/she simplifies the understanding of courage in that situation. Any individual shall never undermine his/her abilities and before the actual presentation/speech shall try to foresee the positive outcome or reward related to the possible achievement if that presentation gets delivered well on its scheduled day in front of the learned crowd.
There is a lot of more interesting information which you may get on Courage if you could please watch my explanation on Youtube video uploaded for benefit of readers. The link to access this video is shared below:

Stress can easily be linked with showcase of Courage and to know about Stress in detail please refer to my previous post on "Stress and Coping" by clicking on this link:

I will be happy to receive your comments for my presentation and will also welcome further discussions on this topic.

Devesh Sharma

Monday 6 March 2017

Who is a Leader and who isn't?

Words ‘Leader’ and ‘Manager’ are buzzwords in today’s business world. Several educated young professionals use them interchangeably. But does it actually matter which word do they use or it has a clear implication over what exactly do they do in their respective professional roles  and also how they do it. Several books are available which share a lot of information on Leader and Manager differentiation. Being confused with too much of information young professionals while focusing on few traits of Leadership end up acting like managers. Here in this article I have tried to simplify the differences in behaviour of a Manager and Leader for the benefit of readers who are interested in this topic.
Behaviors & Traits of a Manager
Behaviors & Traits of a Leader
Manager focuses  primarily on execution of planned activities governed by well defined constraints of time, cost and quality. Focus is on skill of the subordinates.
Leader on the other hand may also be an assigned manager by designation who is also supposed to get similar jobs executed appropriately but his/her approach is clearly different from that of an individual with just a managerial mindset.  A leader’s primly focus is on communication, motivation, inspiration and encouraging teamwork such that the best possible contribution from every individual comes out. Focus is on both will and skill of the subordinates.
Manager renders his/her role going by the defined job description. Subordinates do work as per the instructions of the manager while respecting the authority coming with his/her designation . Most managers although have different functional roles but have similar working styles.
A leader not necessarily have to be from Management cadre and he/she does not render his duties going by a defined job description. Leaders have distinguished styles and people follow them not because of the title/designation but for the inspiration which they get from the leader on how to always stay highly optimistic and demonstrate high level of passion towards their jobs.
Manager sets the path of his/her subordinates for it to fall in line with company’s vision so that they deliver at best on their respective functional roles and responsibilities.
Leaders have a visible passion and right communication skills to influence all colleagues such that together they understand company’s vision in the exactly same way and appreciate where are they today and where do they all want to go.
Managers have subordinates whom they communicate.
Leaders have followers whom they persuade.
Managers react to change 
Leaders create change
Managers merely focus on ‘What work to do’ & ‘How to do that work’
Leaders critically analyze the status quo and focus on ‘Why is the work being done in a particular way’ and also justify if there is any better way forward.
Manager ensures that each of his/her subordinates does job as planned and delegated.
A leader inspires trust and nurtures team spirit to ensure that each team member is motivated well to deliver with the maximum potential and also try distinguished  innovative approaches.
When given an new challenge or opportunity a Manager continuously reminds his/her subordinates about ‘What’s in it for the department or company’
When given an new challenge or opportunity a Leader continuously sensitizes all colleagues about ‘What’s in it for people because of whom the organization exists’

I will be happy to extend discussions on this blog post in relation to the discussed subject matter.

Devesh Sharma
Active on social networks Facebook and LinkedIn

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Inspirational lessons from Bollywood movie "Dangal"

Sometimes a movie or play is not just what it appears on face but it can also act as a touching element that can sensitize and inspire several people to move out of comfort zone and attempt big in life. One such play is the recently released Bollywood movie “Dangal”.  Teaching/learning sessions in the traditional way appear boring to many people but if the desired knowledge base is transported through a tasty toffee such as a movie then communicating the intended message becomes easy. A movie can be used as a blackboard to teach people in a uniquely interesting way. Dangal is about a father Mahavir Phogat Ji who as a Guru beautifully trains his daughters so that they excel in wrestling.
Dangal touches upon some really impressive values which have been enlisted in this article below:
1)      Respect those who think very much about you.
Narrative: In the movie, it was displayed that Mahavir Phogat as a father thought so much about the bright future for his daughters. He could have simply thought of getting his daughter Geeta Kumari married at a very young age similar to what was happening with other girls of his village. Instead he chose a very unique future of a wrestler for each of his girls. He was listening to a lot of negative and funny comments from other families in his village because he was attempting something uncommon by trying to raise girls similar to boys. The eye opener for Geeta and Babita was when their friend who was getting married at 14 years of age told them that she would love to have father like Mahavir Phogat who was thinking so much for Geeta & Babita.
Lesson: Sometimes you would experience that your parents or elder siblings would try to push you hard to do something in a certain way and that often would be annoying for you. Instead of hating them for what they are doing with you just think that they are after you only because they think so much about you. Choice of attempting you goal in your way or some other way is always with you but there is no harm if you at least think positive about all those who are trying to guide you. Please remember that the time your elders spend running after you and pushing is the time they are losing from their own life and they could have been doing something else in that time.

2)      Fight your fear head on
Narrative: In the movie it was amazingly displayed that when Geeta got the opportunity to fight a male counterpart in a local dangal(wrestling match), she chose the most well prepared and strong looking boy from all those who were standing to fight with her. Just to prove to the audience that she could defeat a boy in wrestling and for her own satisfaction Geeta could have chosen the weakest opponent but she chose the toughest instead. Although she lost the match from that boy but the confidence she got by overcoming her fear she earlier had about fighting strong men was actually gone. She later defeated several boys in wrestling.
Lesson: Most human beings don’t think this way and think opposite. When it comes to doing something big in life or doing well in a competition they don't even think about trying to secure the toughest target in the first attempt. Rather, they think of a ladder approach in which they just prepare normally and think of gradually progressing such that some day they would achieve their goal whether it is wrestling, academics, professional career or attempting for a start up firm. Life does not go like this. There is so much of dynamism in the world along with fierce competition and the goal you intend to achieve with ladder approach may actually become much more difficult to achieve than it is today because the world is ever changing. Hence, though you prepare well but competing with the toughest opponent or overcoming your biggest fear first will empower you to gain much bigger confidence level.

3)      Never disregard your basics
Narrative: In the movie, it was very beautifully shown that when Geeta Kumari goes to National Sports Academy, Patiala she meets a new coach who forces her to disregard what her father had taught in wrestling and insists her to learn new styles. Very soon she loses focus and disregards her basic wrestling lessons she got during her training received from father since childhood. She even competes with her father in the old training ground and defeats him but forgets that her father loses because of two reasons of which one is that he became weak as he was in his old age and the other reason is that he is her father. Parents often admit defeat from their child during arguments just to ensure that their child's confidence level does not fall. They always try to be there to boost your confidence level. This is not always communicated through words but by body language.
Lesson: Basic knowledge which you gain in your life since birth from your parents or first guru have entered your brain in the most appropriate manner than it can ever happen because your these teachers were true well wishers who never taught you in a certain way out of selfishness but love. Because it has been taught in the best way so it comes into you also in the best way. No other kind of opposite learning or negative thoughts in future that is pushed on to you by someone shall be entertained by you. Several years of focus on certain basics is unlikely to be diluted by any other way. Your basics are never wrong and you just need to augment strength not change source of strength.

4)      Inspiring others by showing them a vision
Narrative: In the movie, it was shown that when Mahavir realizes that his daughters need ample protein to become strong he decides to feed them chicken. He does not have enough money to do that. Then he gets this interesting idea of sharing a vision with the chicken shop owner of making his daughter a future world wrestling champion. He tells the shop owner that if he gives him chicken at one fourth of the price then later when Geeta would become a champion then the shop owner may reap benefits of bumper sale by naming himself as the esteemed nutrition provider to the World Wrestling Champion.
Lesson: It is not possible to have victories alone and you will always need well wishers around you to share your vision and support you in your endeavor such that reaching the goal becomes smoother as it becomes more realistic to achieve. All big leaders have this trait of sharing a vision with others to achieve a big goal. Real leaders truly know that going would never be easy without the support of real professionals and business partners.

5)      Average attempt is forgotten and only the best is remembered
Narrative: In the second half of the movie, Mahavir Phogal tells his daughter Geeta that if you settle for a Silver medal in Commonwealth Games then people will soon forget her name and so much of struggle that she had all through this wrestling career would have reduced meaning.
Lesson: That was not just a wrestling fight for Geeta but a platform where Geeta had the opportunity to prove to all Indian citizens that females are not meant for wasting their life serving men at home and they can also exist like men to become pride of their families. People often don't attempt as per their best ability because they just see victory or defeat as their personal takeaway while undermining the distinguished value of such victory or defeat for those wellwishers who have a different kind of emotion attached to the climax of their loved one's competition.

 Written by:
Devesh Sharma

Thursday 7 July 2016

How does real meaning of the word "Innovation" gets established?

These photographs establish that it does not take a degree to innovate even for scientific products. I clicked these photographs while having tea along a roadside in Faridabad,India. This tea shop owner who has done this simple yet brilliant innovation could not afford a cooler in the intense heat so innovated himself a marvellous cooler from a waste plastic drum by making cut through sections at 2 sides. To make the grass wet for the cooling effect and instead of an electric motor he utilized the principal of gravity by placing a water bucket just above the roof of his small tea shop with water being released through a hole very slowly. Infact , this amazing cooler had both water inlet & outlet pipe arrangements. A fan was installed at one side of the drum sufficient to throw air at the desired comfort. This man did not seem to have gone even to basic school but still innovated so well.
                  To young engineers I just want to mention that " Real definition of Innovation gets established when you can solve a problem at a cost affordable to mass recepients because at a high price with all luxury of costly engineered components any one can innovate". So one may stop blaming budget deficits for lack of inventions. It is the will and the clear understanding about the genuine need that will empower you to find a way not some budget issues. Although we have heard that Innovations happen only if both "Can" & "Will" coincide but the fact is that this "Can" factor only works if there is a strong "Will". 
                 If an innovation has no commercial value and is not affordable to mass then it is not impressive at all in today's economically challenged environment across the globe. So friends spread your wings to find time for small yet economically & socially beneficial improvements/innovations irrespective of nature of profession whether related to engineering or not. May be with investment of few minutes of yours poor people like this tea shop vendor will get great experiences in their challenging life. And 'Yes', local developments similar to the one in above pictures using waste resources or without sophisticated machines,often called with the word "Jugaad" , are casually taken by observers in India & other developing nations but they also are real innovations that are made mostly by less educated yet full of life dreaming individuals who develop something at a price affordable to mass. If illiterate people like this tea vendor can innovate based on this logic then why can't we?

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Presentation on Quality and its importance in Industry


       To watch my presentation video please click on the link given below :


          Definition of Quality:
        General definition: Quality is defined as suitability for purpose,degree of excellence or freedom from defects.
       Some highly valued definitions of Quality are-
By Philip B Crosby: "Conformance to requirements."
By ISO 9000: "Degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements."
By Joseph M Juran: "Fitness for use."

·    Customers decide whether a product, service  or collection of data is of high quality
·    Poor quality causes a ripple effect through the chain of customers to the external customer 
·    To be able to do a job with quality, we must know  who the customers are and what they expect. Listening to the voice of the customer is very important.

To achieve the targets

Saturday 16 March 2013

Importance of Industrial safety

You can watch my Speech about Safety on Youtube by following the link given below:

 Importance of Industrial safety      
      Safety is defined as freedom from danger, risk of injury or loss to personnel and/or property, whether caused deliberately or by accident. The word safety has been used so often by many people as a "Preaching Word" that forces them to alter their ways of doing things, but the important point to understand is that Safety is much more than a preaching word. So, we must consider safety as the right attitude to keep us away from harm so that our life is really safe and healthy. Safety in real sense is the true direction of living safe life as a learned and mature individual. The concept of safety can be applied to anything and everything we do in our daily lives. For example:  If a person works with a power tool that requires eye protection and he wears safety glasses as necessary and also operates the tool as per the instructions of the established safety manual then this is valuing safety. Thus, establishment of safety rules is not any kind of enforcement upon anyone. Infact, keeping ourselves safe is the first duty towards God for the gift of “Life” that has been given to us.
          Some of the common terms which are events we often come across while discussing safety at workplace are: Incident, Accident and Near Miss. These terms need to be logically defined in order to better understand them and analyze them at the time their occurrence. “Incident” is defined as an unplanned, undesired event that adversely affects completion of a task. An “Accident” is an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in major damage or injury. “Near miss” describes an incident where no property was damaged and no personal injury happened, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, a damage and/or injury could have occurred.
          A person working in the Oil and Gas  industry is actually surrounded by much more risks of accidents because of the nature of raw materials,equipments, operations and facilities which bring in much more hazards than what can occur in any kind of normal office set up similar to service sector such as in Banking or  IT sector. In service sector, the risk of accidents are different because hazards are different. To understand this we need to first understand with clarity about the term “Hazard”. A “Hazard” is anything in the workplace that has the potential to harm people. Hazards can include objects in the workplace, such as machinery or dangerous chemicals. Other hazards relate to the way work is done. For instance, hazards on a production line could include manual handling, excessive noise and fatigue caused by the pace of work. When the likelihood of an event in which a hazard will cause harm rises then the risk also rises. The level of risk also depends on factors such as how often the job is done, the number of workers involved and how serious could be the injuries. Important point to understand is that most of the forms of oil or gas are highly inflammable and there is a lot of human labour involved. Equipments used in this business are huge, complex and weigh in many tonnes and which in an unfortunate event may kill someone. Various hazards during operations are in the form of high pressure, high temperature, inflammable fluids, toxic chemicals, falls, falling objects, heavy lifting by cranes and electrocution.
           Falls (including slips) and falling objects account for more than 50%  of all industrial accidents in a year. There are 2 types of fall. First one is the “Fall on the same level” which is often caused on a wet or greasy surface or by tripping over an obstacle on the ground or floor. Second type of fall is “Fall from one level to another which can be caused by the same factors but here the injuries could be much more severe depending on the distance between levels. Falling object can be anything from a small nut or bolt to a heavy load suspended by a crane. The important point to understand here is that even the smallest or lightest object falling from low height can cause unpleasant injuries if it has sharp corners or edges. Now from this we can well imagine if falls and falling objects can cause this much damage then how dangerous high temperatures, high pressures, chemicals and electrocution could be for human life. There are huge costs of accidents and incidents for the company. These costs include lost production costs, worker’s compensation claims, insurance costs, legal fees and lost orders for future. These costs are so huge that it can severely impact the earnings of the company and which later impacts the incentives and pay increments of all the employees. These costs can be minimized by establishing a safe work environment.
            A safe work environment boosts employee morale which, in turn, increases productivity, efficiency and profit margins. When people feel that they have a good, safe work environment, they feel like they can make a difference and there are fewer staff absences, less staff turnover and improved quality of work. Thus, the most important point is that “Even if the job profiles of employees are different and there is also a dedicated Safety Executive in the company, but Safety is everybody’s business”. An organization can achieve sustainable growth only when safety objectives are aligned with the strategic business goals of the company .To achieve such a growth, the management and all the employees have to collaborate and work together to take the company to greater heights.

I welcome your comments on this post.

Devesh Sharma



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