Wednesday, 6 June 2012

How much do you score on Happiness from this formula?

 It is believed that emotions of a human being can’t be measured because it is  highly complex to quantify emotions for being able to measure them and then guide life in the right direction . The most important emotions of human being are: Happiness  & Love . Out of these 2 emotions ,  love is almost impossible to get quantified or be related in some way by some common logic  because love can have many definitions while considering  those whom we love in our life such as parents, siblings ,spouse, kids and friends  . We behave in a certainly different way with each of these members and have distinct responsibilities towards them so that our relationship gets justified and gets honoured the way it should be. 

              But, happiness is an emotion for which if we give deep thought then we can find certain valid elements on which the levels of happiness  depend and their virtual existence keep varying with time  leading to change in the happiness levels as well . Firstly , before I go on deeper into the concept of Happiness score , I wish to share with you that this article is meant to emphasize on the importance of happiness level in everyone’s life and how can we improve our levels of happiness by somehow  being able to quantify it and monitor the progress with time. Secondly, I wish to mention  that the relations expressed will definitely interest you if you focus with your full attention without considering this as something unreal .The elements considered are very much real and common to us . It really doesn’t matter how rich or popular a person is because the concept here is based on relative terms and proportions of the elements. The more important point is that today in this busy world it is highly likely that we see a lot of stressed and demotivated people around us. Some of them have abundance of so called “valuable possessions” but are still unhappy which is not only strange but also unhealthy and this calls for our special attention over happiness .Thus, it becomes important for us to be happy and share happiness with others.

            Based on my keen interest in reading about Happiness and some of the major factors which significantly govern the levels of happiness in one’s life, I have conceptually tried to bring in relationship for Happiness which is part of Human Psychology. This is quite similar to creating Empirical relationships/formulas in various fields of science. Few people may not consider this 100% true but I believe that most of the people will surely agree that this is very much correct.
(Note : Empirical Formula – It is a formula which is based on observations or experience, unlike a pure  formula which is based on theory or logic .)

           Based on my readings and understanding about human psychology there are 10 such elements which are vital few out or trivial many and most significantly drive the happiness levels in one’s life. The values for them shall be filled by one being true to himself/herself.   These elements are   :
1)  Health (one’s own and of beloved ones)
2)  Optimism
3)   Self Esteem
4)   Faith (feeling strength from faith on God & humanity)
5)   Liabilities
6)   Extended family (Presence of real Friends and well wishers around the person)
7)   Negative feelings of repentance or mental trauma
8)   Envy (whether exists or not in one’s life)
9)   Internal Motivation
10)  Rejuvenation (from meditation, yoga , exercises & spending quality time on  hobbies)

What is Happiness score ?
Happiness score is a quantitative score that is calculated from the function which brings out a number after giving distinct value to each of the above given 10 elements based on their type and level . If we seriously fill the values of the elements in the empirical formula of Happiness score, then we can bring out the change in our levels of happiness with time. Even this may bring out close comparisons between two people’s levels of happiness if done with due diligence and seriousness.

How does this concept works ?
There is a base level of happiness in everyone’s life which is dependent upon the environment in which one has been living .What happens is that when a person wins in any valuable event in life then for some days after the victory the level of happiness increases in value when compared to the base level of happiness, but after that period the level of happiness again reaches back to the same base level what was there in the beginning. On the contrary, when the person loses then for some period the level of happiness goes down and then again reaches back to the base level of happiness. Happiness score is aimed to bring out the changes in the levels of happiness.                                (Note: Values to be entered in the "ENTER VALUE" column based on the intensity of feeling(Elements) at that point of time. Happiness Score can help to get the progress between two time periods.)

The formula which I have created for Happiness Score is:

Happiness  score =   2*H + 1.5(O + RJ – RM –L)   SE + F+ EF +  IM - E

Considerations for the ‘Happiness  score’ Formula are:
1) Out of the 10 elements there are 7 elements which affect the happiness levels positively, whereas 3 affect the level of happiness negatively.
2) These 10 elements have got considered for the formula because they impact the happiness level of person quite significantly and are applicable to every human being. There might be some more factors affecting Happiness but their impact either may not be significant enough for the consideration or they are very rarely found, so these factors  can be considered negligible for Happiness score calculation.
3) The value for of each of the elements has to be out of 10. The basic assumption which is followed to give rating for each of the 10 elements is that the perspective or importance of the elements will remain same in a person’s life and only their intensity or impact on peace  of mind may vary with time based on various  circumstances .
4)  Consideration for rating of the 10 elements involved in the formula :
·        Health (denoted by H ): The positive feeling that one experiences by being healthy and also by seeing good health of his/her family members &  close friends is really very significant for happiness . There are 2 aspects of health – person’s own health and the health of his/her beloved ones. We know that all good people generally care more for their family’s health than their own health , so for our calculation  there is 1.5 times weightage to the health of the beloved ones and 1 times weightage to person’s own health . This way the person needs to rate his family’s health out of 6 and his own health out of 4 and then add them to gave the final value out of 10 considering health element , such that  the lower value in both cases signifies ‘less healthy’ .  
·        Optimism (denoted by O): This is a positive feeling which indicates hopefulness. The value of optimism has to be put out of 10 while considering the worst of unfortunate events in a human being’s life.
·        Self esteem (denoted by SE): This is a positive feeling that shall consider the number of significant victories in one’s life for which he/she feels proud of and also the success %  against the aspired total of 100%. The value for this element has to be put out of 10.
·        Faith (denoted by F):  This considers the positive feeling of strength which a person experiences because of his/her faith on God and on the whole living humanity on earth. The value for this element has to be put out of 10.
·        Liabilities (denoted by L):  This  considers the negative feeling/burden from any financial requirement for fulfilling the needs of the family or a significant act/duty that is mandatory to be performed towards someone in the present or in future. This element also has to be rated out of 10.
·        Extended family (denoted by EF ): This considers the positive feeling  based on  the support and strength that one feels from the presence of really good friends and well wishers around himself/herself . Well wishers may include teachers, mentors or colleagues. Important point to remember is that these people exclude our family members and they shall be really trustworthy, honest and loving for us. If we have this count more than 15 then the value has to be full 10. If the count of these people is between 5 and 15 then the value has to fall in the range of 5 and 10. If the count is less than 5 then the value for this elements has to be in between 1 and 5 based on what we truly feel.
·        Negative feelings of repentance or mental trauma (denoted by RM): This considers the intensity of negative emotions which one feels for a bad activity that he/she did in the past, or any right activity which the person finds difficult to perform currently due to certain unfavourable circumstances. This element also considers any sort of abuse , humiliation , discouragement , injustice  or  separation from a beloved one (either temporarily or permanent ) which the person may have experienced in the past leading to a mental trauma .Such feelings do not get easily forgotten and thus negatively impact happiness for many individuals  even in the future  . The combined value for this element of has to be put out of 10 . The lesser such feelings are , more will be happiness  .If this is not applicable for the person then the value may be put as ‘0’, so that the impact of these negative feelings get ignored in the calculation .
·        Envy (denoted by E ): This considers the intensity of negative emotions such as jealousy/envy  that one feels looking somebody else’s possession or fame. The value for this element has to be put out of 10.
·        Internal motivation (denoted by IM): This produces positive feelings and counts for the level of motivation which one gets from within and not from the external world. It is correct that internal motivation is the more better way of getting motivated in which one feels proud for his accomplishment from within to get strongly motivated and he does not expect much praise from the people around him to get motivated . Generally for people both come into picture. The weightage of internal motivation in one’s life has to be considered for this point and has to be rated out of 10.
·        Rejuvenation (denoted by RJ ): This is necessary for producing positive feeling of  pleasure  and  counts for the seriousness which one shows towards healthy practices such as meditation, yoga, exercises and hobbies . Science has proved that those who involve in these healthy practices experience more liveliness & energy along with low levels of stresses in today’s busy world. The value for this element has to be put out of 10.

5)  Weightage : The weightage for each of the 10 elements will not be the same because out of 10, 5 factors govern our happiness more significantly than other 5 factors and control our peace of mind . These 5 factors  which prove more significant for happiness level are : Health(H) , Optimism(O) , Rejuvenation (RJ),  Liabilities (L) & Negative feelings (RM) .  For every normal person ,  Health(H) factor is always most important so we can give health the weightage of 2 times  where as  Optimism(O) , Rejuvenation (RJ),  Negative feelings(RM) & Liabilities(L) may have impact weightage of 1.5 times . This weightage factor brings the distinct impact of more important elements in the calculation .You can try this to yourself and evaluate the significance of these 5 more important elements.

Finally, after giving the weightage, the formula for calculating Happiness score becomes :

 Happiness  score =   2*H + 1.5(O + RJ – RM –L) + SE + F+ EF + IM - E

Applications of Happiness score:
1)  An individual can monitor the change in his/her happiness level with time. If happiness score is found to have gone down with time then the person can take interest in the various ways of rejuvenation (as  mentioned  above) to improve the level of happiness .
2)  You can reach somewhat closer to your base level of happiness(previously discussed) by calculating the happiness score for your base level happiness by taking the average of the happiness scores over a time period of at least 1 year . The more readings you take in 1 year the more closer you can reach to your base level happiness .( Note : This is based on the concept that happiness level for every person keeps changing  with time depending upon the circumstances in which the person is as that point of time .)
3)  Important information can be received by comparing the Happiness scores of 2 people  in order to get an idea about who is happier. This sometimes may be very complex and may not prove very close, but still a basic information can be received.

(You are welcome to put your views or comments about this post of mine in the box(below) meant for comments. Your inputs will essentially empower me to relate this formula even more closely with human emotions.)

Concept for this formula created , explained and written by :

Devesh Sharma

LINKEDIN Profile :


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Do you also appreciate the beauty of various languages to show global mindset ?

        It  is amazing to know that there is a very notable  difference  in terms  of the  basic  language structure  between the languages followed in  Western countries( such as  English, French , Greek , Spanish,  German, Polish &  Russian etc )   and   those  followed in  many of the  Asian countries (such as Hindi ,Japanese , Nepali , Burmese ,Sanskrit ,Tibetan ,Korean , Turkish & Urdu  etc) . Although ,   there are few flexibilities and exceptions  which  exist with almost every language on earth ,  but the basic structure more or less remains the same . The framework which has been explained below will clarify many of your doubts and will make you understand that why it is easier for a person who is in India (Asian country ) to learn Japanese than the one who is from any western country   .  One important point to remember is that, when it comes to learning a foreign language  , people tend to speak any  language that they are newly learning in the framework followed  in their own  mother tongue .So it is important to know about the distinct frame work between languages which have a different origin .

The frame work here refers  to the sentence structure with special emphasis on  Subject ,Object , Verb .  Subject is the person about whom the sentence is about ,Object gets related to the subject in that sentence &  Verb is the word which explains the activity/work  being carried out .

Here is an example of an English sentence :

Tom  is eating  an apple .

In this sentence Tom is the subject because it is the name of the person who is involved in the activity , ‘is eating’ links to the verb  &  ‘Apple’  is the object of this sentence.  For simplicity of naming here , lets denote Subject  as ‘S’, Verb as ‘V’  & Object  as ‘O’  , then we can form that the structure  for the above given sentence  or any other  English sentence  becomes :  S-V-O .

    Many of the Asian languages  have the structure  of a sentence of the form S-O-V . This is where the  main difference comes when it comes to learning foreign languages  or understanding them especially  in a case when a person from an Asian country frames an English sentence of the form S-O-V (different from the actual English form S-V-O) and creates confusion while communicating with a  person  who has English as the mother tongue  . These confusions sometimes lead to unjust understanding and so it is important to know more about the framework of global languages . Lets have the same (above discussed) sentence with the same meaning in Hindi & Japanese and see how sentence structure varies :

In Hindi the sentence  becomes :

 Tom  seb  kha raha  hai .  ( Tom is the subject(S) , ‘seb’ means apple that  is the object(O) & ‘ kha raha hai’ means ‘is eating’ that is the present continuous form of the  verb(V) ie: kha meaning ‘ to eat’).  

In Japanese language  the same sentence becomes :

Tom  san wa  ringo  o tabete imasu  ( Tom is the subject(S) , 'san' is always added after the name for giving respect to the person  , 'ringo' means  apple that is the object(O) & ‘tabete imasu’ means ‘is eating’ that is the present continuous form of the  verb(V) ie:  'taberu' meaning ‘ to eat’) .

 It can be seen from the above sentences that the  arrangement of S,O and V for the same meaning is different for different languages ie: For English it is ‘S-V-O’ but for Hindi & Japanese it is  “S-O-V” .

      Thus , the sentences from languages in western countries  which have words of Latin or Greek origin have the form S-V-O .  It is really awesome to appreciate the beauty of languages  that many of the Western languages have number of words of Latin origin and these languages have S-V-O structure but Classical Latin language has S-O-V structure . We may have to do a lot of reading to know  why it is so but one this worth praising for languages is that they have evolved a long way from thousands of years of human involvement with them .  So when it comes to learning of some of the major  Asian languages such as Japanese or Hindi  ,the people following S-V-O  structure of language will have to modify  the S,V,O arrangement   to make  it  of the form   origin(S-O-V)  . For doing this the brain has to put lot of efforts  because the mother tongue is the language which comes with instinct and  it the language in which the brain has been thinking for years based  on many years of training since birth due to the environment  provided to us  by our parents , teachers  and society .  Believe it or not , every single thought  that comes  to our mind at every point of time & even in our dreams  is in a language which is always our mother tongue that  we use to communicate with ourselves  especially in  important times of our life involving  feelings of  joy ,love or  fear etc .

 Some of the major languages which follow S-V-O sentence structure are :
Albanian, Bulgarian, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Italian, Ganda, German ,Greek, Hausa, Hebrew, Javanese, Kashmiri, Khmer, Latvian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Quiche, Rotuman, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Vietnamese, Arabic, Chinese and Yoruba

 Some of the major languages which follow S-O-V  sentence structure are :
Ainu, Amharic, Armenian, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Burmese, Ancient Greek, Hindi, Hittite, Hopi, Hungarian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kurdish, Classical Latin, Manchu, Marathi, Mongolian, Navajo, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Punjabi, Quechua, Sanskrit, Seri, Sicilian, Sindhi, Sinhalese and most other Indo-Iranian languages, Somali and virtually all other Cushitic languages, Sumerian, Tibetan and nearly all other Tibeto-Burman languages, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and all other Dravidian languages, Tigrinya, Turkic languages, Turkish, Urdu, and virtually all Caucasian languages


The reason for India as one of  those countries which have people with the flexibility  to smoothly adapt to the grammer of  various foreign languages and  comfortably learn  them  :

     India is a very big country  with population around 1.2 Billion  and   you  can see  people following almost all the major religions of the world . There are 28 states &  7 union territories and it is really interesting to see that almost every state has its own language . There  are 33 regional languages recognized in India  out of which many have diversified scripts (written form) totally different from one another. Out of these languages  22  have  the status of official languages and have around 2000 different  dialects linked to them  . Hindi is the national language and English is the official language for administrative purposes & for  imparting  education on various important fields of study all over the country . It is because of  a big number of languages that “3 language formula” is very much  popular in India  which mentions that  Hindi is the national language followed by most of the people, English is the language for administrative purposes and the regional languages as the one which get used for all social interactions within any state . The fact that Indians can learn a new  language  little more faster is because of two most significant  reasons which are given below :

è 1)  Almost all of the Indian languages follow S-O-V structure (Kashmiri is an exception) and English is also a very much popular language because higher education in India  is in English that  has  S-V-O structure(as discussed in above paragraphs ) .Because both of the structures are so much popular in India it becomes easy for an Indian person to understand the structure of global languages and learn them with ease . For example : When I was learning basic Japanese conversation ,  I  knew that the sentence structure in Japanese is same as in Hindi , so whatever I could think in Hindi(my mother tongue)  I was readily able to frame the sentence in Japanese once I learned basic vocabulary .With no extra efforts , I could frame Japanese sentences because what happens in this scenario is that the sentence structure (S-O-V : which is same as of my mother tongue'Hindi') comes from instinct and I just need to put words in that structure to complete the full sentence  .This really works and you can try this on any language of the world that you want to learn after you know the sentence structure .

è 2)  Because there are 33 different regional languages in India , it can always be expected with high probability that every  person follows at least 3 to 4 regional  languages with ease .This happens because he/she has to interact with people from other states where they migrate for jobs or for their business networking . These regional languages have their distinct accents & pronunciations and being able to follow more than one regional language makes a person to promote extra flexibility to his tongue and be able to adapt to accents of various other languages by putting less efforts.

Conclusion : It is always beneficial to give prime focus to various languages which exist on  earth.  If we do so then we can better understand the framework of those languages and which in turn facilitates us to more clearly understand conversations in English language (a globally very popular business language) with someone who does not have the sentence structure (S-V-O) of English matching with his/her mother  tongue .Giving special focus on global languages and their framework makes us a more productive communicator and  shows  global mindset with distinct ability to  understand people’s  perspectives  to the best possible extent   . Moreover , many globally recognized researches have proved that trying  to learn and follow more languages  improves cognitive skills and even does essential  shielding against dementia in old age.

Written by :

Devesh  Sharma

Thursday, 24 May 2012

What about the sense of urgency ? ( A motivational Poem )

Given below is the YouTube video link that will take you to the video narration of my self written motivational poem with Title : "What about the sense of urgency":
Narration of my self written Motivational Poem

What about the sense of urgency ?

We   drive  the future  of intelligent human race ,
now  giving up seriousness for right actions  at a rapid  pace ;
Never before in 4.5 Billion  years of  Mother Earth’s existence the ethical governance was disputed this way ,
and  now  it feels that  golden era will  only  come when God  hears us pray .

People seem to have lost their  identity  amidst of  coinages ,
while  ignoring  that  even promising youth has started behaving like  savages;
 What  is the need of trying to personalize the power of God-the  eternal ,
and  that  also to look for ways by which we can push one another in general.

Always heard that together we can bring valuable  changes ,
but how would it be when negativities in  minds  draw  negative inferences ;
In every 90 minutes International space station  completes  a revolution  around the earth ,
every time it passes by brings  data on manipulated  natural resources in dearth .

What  about  the lost opportunities  of education for children to be able to shine ,
do we still need a proof to declare that the absence of it brings setback for lifetime;
No one can deny that illiteracy  promotes  the adoption of actions that are malicious ,
how can we still believe that man’s  ability to reach moon is enough to make the taste of living on earth delicious.

Females   are’nt  safe  anywhere   &  are  in appallingly  serious  need ,
whom  would  you call upon for help when its urgency has still not got realized indeed;
What  about  those who have already  lost  hope in the society ,
nothing  changes  mate if you don’t  try to reach  problem’s  gravity .

Dangerously burnt  gases are filling the lungs of every little one ,
do we really want earth to be declared as “The house of none”;
Blame  game  would never help us at all ,
lets contribute with passion to avert  this steep fall .

 Moral Education in  practice  is the need of the hour ,
while praising each other  and refurbishing the  earth with a holy shower ;
Lets  define  Motivation with correctness  ,
it  is to transform  one’s helplessness to helpfulness.

 Whether or not the right approach will get adopted  is a big question ,
so  it  is high time to still delay  our actions  on breached ethics  and existing tension ;
It is with holy intention the world was  created with  phenomenal  selections   ,               
lets  prove  God that we have’nt  forgotten  the sanctity of earth while  manipulating the controlled dimensions  .


Poem written by :
Devesh Sharma
email ID :
Linkedin profile :

I hope you find this poem informative and worth sharing .

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Why ? - The more important question for an Innovation’s success

Success of an innovation doesn't always get decided by the idea but by the way the innovation is presented to the people.

The right way is to follow : Why -> How- >What concept , which means that presentation about any innovation shall be in the steps as follows :
Why the idea was thought of and the innovation was done -> How was it worked on to bring a very unique & useful product out if it  - > What has it to offer the customers or users .
It is always important to first explain others about the reason for that idea to come up while laying stress on need definition and its ability to impact the society .This is how hearts are won and following of this method by an organization establishes that it keeps innovating new things while putting significant value on creativity apart from just laying stress on profitability from potential deals .This way the product gets considered as  "Distinctly special product" not as  "Just another product" .

Most organizations do either way around and follow What-> How -> Why and end up getting far less value/prospects  for their innovation because they follow the steps as to What they have for the people now -> How did they create it -> Why did they create it . Delaying explanation for "Why" seems much as a formality or may be an add on to the properties to an old product . Efforts put to do an innovation may get undermined this way .

You can easily see that the efforts put to do an innovation are same but due to the presentation at the time of its launch in public the outcomes  are different .

The involvement of Biology & Psychology in this phenomenon :
The outer part of the brain does the analytical thinking for a human body and hence does the detailed analysis on the specifications of any newly launched product . So, trying to explain about What ? to somebody at the time of launch in the very beginning immediately provokes the mind to diligently think about the specifications/criteria such as technical specifications , budget etc to be evaluated. This may lead to disagreement be felt  by customers on some of the features of the product . This is because of the extra seriousness that gets put on the specifications because that was the first thing offered to the customers/potential investors  to think about .
         On the contrary the central part of the brain governs a person’s emotional stability and is the interested participant for Why? .  Being able to touch the emotional state of customers is more than half the battle won to be able to convert the proposition to a final deal . After customers have liked the idea( Why?) and have got influenced with the uniqueness of the product it is quite easy to convince them for the buy out after they have understood the technical specifications (What?). This is because after this exercise(Why->How-> What) , technical specifications  become far less important than  is the uniqueness of the idea to product development . Later on , most of the people (especially from the elite class) then just wish to be the first one to purchase this distinctly visible innovation to boast about and become the first risk takers for buying the new development because of the surplus money they have .These elite class people are then visible in public and become the brand icon in the eyes of other common people and these common people later on rush to purchase these newly launched gadgets/products so that they can also be part of this premier league .
This holy provocation goes on in chain till a better product with more special features is launched in the market  and the time period  involved in this becomes the business period for the organization with their product .

It is very interesting to see that companies following( Why-> How-> What) concept have a longer business period for their products than happens for companies following (What-> How->What)concept as the phenomenon for launching their product . This can easily be noticed in the consumer electronics market .

So, Why ? as the first question to be answered proves more valuable  than What? in the context of presenting a new product or innovation .


Devesh Sharma

Note: You can put your valuable comments below .

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Courage & People engagement

Simple yet most clear definition of Courage -
Courage is not just about having the will to take a risk but in actual it is the capability to objectively analyze & realize the benefits of taking a risk. In short, a courageous person is able to acknowledge the importance of a crucial event more than he does for the fear that holds him back for conducting the needful activity. The key is self realization which can signify the importance of an event .So one needs to spend more time on himself/herself before thinking about the external influences which drive in fear .

People engagement in this context relates to having formal & meaningful conversations/dicussions with people with whom we do business . The thumbrule to this is that "Frame your approach/policy putting your wisdom but communicate it in the language of the people concerned with the idea."
10 rules which shall be followed while doing any formal conversation on which the success of a business prospect depends are -
1) Be an effective listener not just an efficient listener .
2) Be a productive communicator . Preferably, one should not communicate anything which is out of the agenda or is not concerned with the party .
3) Do your homework of trying to have the personal details of the participants/party before meeting so that you can get the insights of the socio-cultural interests of the party .
4) Plan based on facts and not based on perceptions or opinions .
5) The agenda of the meeting shall be very clear to all the participants and the topics of discussion shall be emailed upfront .This stregthens the importance of the meeting and also acts as a checklist for the elements of discussion .
6) The accent of spoken language shall be such that participants understand the communication clearly . If you are dealing with people belonging from outside your home country then try to adapt your accent of english with those of the listeners . Preferably talk slowly because that is the way how more than 90% of the most influential leaders do while acknowledging the importance of language accent in terms of understandability of the words used to express the key points of discussion.
7) Always acknowledge 7,35,58 rule which says that in the best conduct of a presentation or discussion , the content matters 7% ; the elements such as tonality, pitch of voice , clarity of speech & understandability of accent matter 35 % ; and body gestures including facial expresions matter 58% . No matter how informative your content compilation is , the body language & speech will always govern the key qualities of the presenter namely -preparedness,confidence and trustworthiness which will in turn govern the success of the business prospect conversion.
8) Anticipate questions before the session so that you can always be ready to answer the questions of the party with confidence.
9) Try to show healthy sense of humour by involving icebreakers or interesting questions so that the graph of the interest level of the listeners does not fall down till your productive discussion finishes .
10) Never stereotype someone on the basis of  factors such as : ethnicity , race , religion, language accent or even due to the prejudice over the person's way of working because it is a totally unproductive approach which creates uneasiness while having a discussion of any level of importance . This in turn discourages the building up of trust between the parties and later leads to a failed deal .

Comments or added points from the readers on this content are welcome .
Happy Learning

Devesh Sharma

Monday, 30 January 2012

Practical challenges which quite often get faced by project engineering companies while executing EPC Projects.

These are the practical challenges which come up during projects ,especially EPC construction projects.

To deal with such challenges we need to address the mistakes that are done either unknowingly or due to lack of proactiveness .

Although there are many mistakes that are done during work execution , the listed ones (covering End to End)are the mistakes which lead to significant loses and work tension-

1)     Contractual obligations not well understood & Scope of work was not well defined to the construction managers and supervisors . ( reason : loop holes were not proactively looked and meetings were conducted with no clear agenda )

2)      Hired Equipments and machines were kept idle due to improper resource management . (reason :  independent and dependent activities were not segregated well , conflict of interest , work permits were not planned in advance because of insufficient documentation & convincing skills to support ) .

3)      Vendors overcharged for  extra works that had to be done to do quailty execution , but were out of scope as per the contract . (This was due to improper work breakdown structure and missing proactiveness) .

4)      Unplanned hiring which lead contract Engineers & consultants with big salaries to be hired untimely and given out of discipline jobs just for the sake of maximum usage of their time for the salaries which they were being given . ( reason : roles were not decided based on competency , weak planning )

5)      Wrong project bid in the very beginning phase of the project because of improper estimation and less time being spent by design engineers and design consultants on actual construction site to prepare the layouts and construction plan. This gives immense stress to the project manager & site engineers while executing the actual job because of the actual planning that was done in the very beginning was based on the drawings and documents which may have provided insufficient data for qualitative decision making   . ( Result : After construction lot of time gets wasted in getting approvals for as built drawings, modifications in the existing drawings and in turn in getting work permits for commissioning phase )

If you will understand these cases well , then you might work progressively with not much unanticipated hurdles on the way  . Feel free for any clarification . There are many mistakes that happen on actual site, but the mistake listed above are so significant that an EPC company/ project company loses millions of dollars due to these mistakes . Thus I listed vital few out of trivial many .


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